Beary Bears








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Here are some great art activities. For the activity pages, click on the link to open a full page picture. Use the BACK button to return to this page.

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Art Activities
  • Bear sponge paintings.
  • Brown play dough with bear cookie cutters.
  • Make a bear collage. Use a bristol board bear shape, scissors, glue. Lay the coverings on the bristol board and move them around until you are satisfied with the results.
  • Papier Mâché Bears. Use styrofoam, cardboard, newspaper, paints, brushes and a mixture of water and flour in a thick cream consistency. Create the shape on the cardboard and styrofoam. Then cut the newspaper into long strips. Next, apply the strips of paper to the shape, using the paste, until there is a number of layers of papier mâché covering the shape. Let dry and decorate with paint.
  • By using pictures of bears as models, create images of bears by using cutout geometric shapes.
  • Make bear masks which show balance. Use these masks to retell favorite story or create your own original story. Print masks included in the Activity Pages section below. Color. Glue the masks to poster board. When the glue is dry, cut out the masks and the openings for the eyes.
  • Make a collage showing where various animals live.
  • Make bear puppets using socks.
  • Retell Goldilocks and the Three Bears using the picture cards or puppets in the section below.















Art Activity Pages


Bear Puppets


Papa Bear Mask

Mama Bear Mask

Baby Bear Mask

Picture Cards

Picture Cards 1

Picture Cards 2

Goldilocks Puppets


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